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Dukley European Art Community are glad to invite you to the exhibition opening of two inimitable artists and our residents Pavel Brat and Skif Bratok.

It will take place in Dukley Art Center, Kotor
12th Of March, 17 pm
Show promises to be great!

12 marta 2017. godine Dukley Europoean Art Community predstavlja zajednički izložbeni projekat Pavla Brata i Matveja Krilova, rezidenata Dukley Art Centra u Kotoru (bivša Jugooceanija). Ovo nije izložba umjetnika-turista, oba umjetnika žive i rade u Crnoj Gori.


Hå gamle prestegard June 2016 / August 2016

Group Exhibition

Dmitry Vrubel & Victoria Timofeeva, Pavel Brat, Dmitry Gutov, Nikolai Makarov, Arsen Savadov, Gor Chahal, Olga Tobreluts, Blue Noses (Aleksandr Shaburon, Vyacheslav Mizin), Recycle (Andrei Blokhin, Georgy Kuznetsov), Andriy Bazyuta, Oleg Kulik.

Deltakarane i utstillinga IKON er kunstnarar og kunstnargrupper frå Russland og Ukraina. Kunstnarane nyttar religion som motiv i sin kunst både ved å referere til klassiske ikon frå russisk-ortodoks kristen tradisjon, klassisk gresk mytologi, samt verdslege ikon frå populærkulturen. Fleire av kunstnarane i utstillinga er anerkjente, somme òg kontroversielle. Etter oppløysinga av Sovjetunionen har den russiske offentligheita, både politisk og religiøst, gått i ei meir konservativ retning. Berre det å nytte forma ikon i samtidskunsten blir for mange oppfatta som ein provokasjon. Med religion og ikon som tema ønskjer Hå gamle prestegard og kurator Marat Gelman å opne for dialog mellom kunst og religion og utfordre vår oppfatting av, og forhold til, ikon og førebilete. I perioden juni til august vil det være arrangement som tek opp tema rundt dette.

Ein del av utstillinga føregår i ein av bunkersane på Obrestad fyr. Her syner Andriy Bazyuta prosjektet Bunker of Mysteries. Her har kunstnaren teke utgangspunkt i Knut Hamsun si bok Mysterier. Resultatet er ein interaktiv 3D projeksjon der publikum blir invitert til å vera med å påverke opplevinga av verket.

Kurator: Marat Gelman.

Utstillinga står til 28. august.

Arrangement og utstilling i samband med IKON er støtta av Fritt ord.

© Foto by Asle Haukland



White Box New-York December 2015 / January 2016

Group Exhibition

Recycling Religion examines the role of religion in Russia and Eastern Europe since the collapse of the Soviet empire. Paradoxically in the modern age, the once repressed and dormant Orthodox Church has evolved in the past quarter century to become an intrinsic and powerful extension of the State, commanding broad influence over life beyond its purely spiritual role.

From art and entertainment to dress code, and numerous other aspects of personal behavior, this essentially anachronistic religion insinuates its moralizing, oppressive influence and rancid style into life at large.

In the case of art, the Church goes to extreme lengths to impose and control popular taste, to the inevitable disgust of a new generation of artists—a stellar and representative group of which is represented in this exhibition—who dare to employ Orthodox imagery and symbolism to undermine the established religious canon and the dystopia it fosters in harness with state power.

To such artists, the Church is but a hollow vessel that sustains itself only with elaborate stage sets and costumes, outdated ritual, and severe moralizing. However, it is their contention that while the regurgitated apparatus of the official Church represents a moribund ideology, it serves also as a foil by which art can transcend tradition and discover the new-within-the-old.

This subterfuge is depicted vividly, and in fact compassionately, in this exhibition, in which, through installation, performance, video, and graphic art, the conservative and radical poles of post-Soviet society are shown to in fact interact. As one allegedly spiritual force engages in tearing the world apart while pretending to mend it, another, more pragmatic, biological force appeals to the need to rebuild society out of the ruins of Orthodoxy, thus recycling religion, rather than eradicating it entirely.

Marat Guelman / Juan Puntes.

Recycling Religion Artists

Pussy Riot, Oleg Kulik, Dmitri Gutov, Iija Soskic,Jelena Tomasevic, Recycle Group, Alexander Kosolapov, Duke Riley + Mac Premo, Federico Solmi, Robert Priseman, ANVIL Collective, Electroboutique,Vladimir Kozin, Pavel Brat, Arsen Savadov

Recycling Religion is supported in part by Dukley European Art Community, Martin C. Liu and WhiteBox board members

The programs of WhiteBox are made possible in part by the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs and New York State Council for the Arts

Special thanks to Postmasters Gallery, Richard Taittinger Gallery, and Magnan Metz GallerySpecial thanks to media sponsor artnet
